In January 2021, Coverflex went to the market. After that, three new people joined our team: Manuela, Mariana and Miguel. On July 26th, the team decided to create this page in order to share with everyone in the Marketing & Growth field of expertise who we are, what we do and what we want to achieve.
Since the beginning, we've been aiming to build a team that reflects Coverflex's values - transparency, ambition and collaboration as the main ones - and that makes sure that each and every one of us contributes to the company's growth and success.
Currently (July 2021) the team has six talented people that focus on marketing, communication, content and growth, and work together with the Product, Sales, Operations and Tech teams. Our team has quite different backgrounds: we've worked in other startups before working at Coverflex, in companies like Uniplaces, Musement, Indie Campers, Nutrium and Seedrs, in media communication entities such as ECO, and even multinational companies such as trivago.
We bring together the best people to make Coverflex happen, and to allow our vision on flexible compensation to reach millions of people worldwide. And we will say "mission accomplished" when any of us goes anywhere in the world and sees someone paying with our card and/or our app. On that day, we will know we made it!
Until then, we have fun every day in being better than we were the day before, in challenging the status quo and in bringing more brilliant minds to our team.
We prepared this MVE for you so you can get to know us a bit better: